
Welcome! My name is Meilee, and I’m the owner of The Good Word Consulting Services.

My creative writing experiences began with poetry and fiction in elementary school, and I even published a few pieces in local literary magazines when I was in high school. But after being asked to tutor a classmate in fifth grade, I knew that I also had a passion for education. At Trinity University, my Romantic poetry and Gothic novel courses confirmed my longtime goal of becoming a professor. Because I was an English major who then went on to pursue my master’s and doctorate in nineteenth-century literature at the University of Michigan, I’m very familiar with the tribulations of trying to write 5- to 35-page research papers!

After completing my PhD, I worked for years as an adjunct college professor and K–12 teacher as well as a freelance tutor, editor, and proofreader. From teaching the secrets of an effective academic essay to editing résumés and blog posts, my passion is helping students and professionals make their ideas clear, compelling, and concise—but not without a dash of flair. In 2015, I found another niche in copywriting and content marketing. I truly come alive translating difficult or complex material into accessible, meaningful content and fusing interviews with research to create engaging long-form stories. I feel immensely rewarded when I can put my interview subjects at ease or elicit blushes at how I’ve trumpeted their accomplishments. I am tickled when their family members proudly share those stories on social. And when my readers write to tell me that they have learned, were entertained, or just want more, I am content with my content.

For fun, I cater to my seriously spoiled dogs, indulge my severe case of bibliophilia, loom knit, make paper and paper crafts, visit botanical gardens and museums, and binge-watch British crime and costume dramas. I pretend I know how to garden, and I support various wildlife conservation efforts. My favorite punctuation marks are the em dash and interrobang.

Want to know more? You can check out my LinkedIn profile here, or you can contact me to get more info. You can also read some of my students’ informal evaluations of my classes and my clients’ testimonials.